Disruptive innovation breakthrough from incremental improvements

August 1, 2012 · Posted in innovation · Comment 

Disruptive innovation breakthrough from incremental improvements. The 3D controller in the video uses brute force pattern recognition and cheap hardware. It’s what Ray Kurzweil claims will lead to the Singularity.

Cheap camera based 3D controllers have been on the market for close to 2 years. The interesting part of this video is how they do it. They have a large database of images for hand positions then compare what the camera sees to an image in the database. That is an extremely crude approach but the speed of cheap hardware makes it economical.

Most people view breakthroughs as rare and hard to achieve. Using the random creativity based approach that is very true. Business leaders want the disruptive breakthroughs because of the huge profit potential. If you are not using Predictive Innovation your only option is incremental improvements and mediocre little to no increases in profits. However you can achieve breakthroughs with incremental improvements. Read more

Make a Killing With Unprofitable Ideas.

January 8, 2007 · Posted in innovation, strategy · Comment 

Destroy your competitionThe most valuable idea you can find might be the one that you can’t profitably market. Have I totally gone out of my mind? Has all this talk of abundance and things being free and eliminating jobs being a good thing rotted my brain? No, not in the slightest! For once I’m going to tell you a way to succeed in a scarcity environment. I’m even going to tell you how to fight dirty and DESTROY YOUR COMPETITION. No I’m not talking about some profound way of avoiding competition and embracing each other to become friends. I mean wipe out, nuke, obliterate, put out of business and just be mean nasty and underhanded.

You’ve created a fabulous product. Your marketing has connected with customers that stand in line to buy your great new product. The profits are rolling in. You make plans to expand and crank out more of your product to meet the ever-increasing demand. Life is great.

So there you are driving your new super luxury convertible when you hear on the radio that someone figured out a way to do exactly what your product does for 1/10th the price of your product with something just about everyone can get in any store. You spit your double latte half-caff espresso all over the windshield and nearly run off the road. In utter disbelief you shout, “how is that possible!?!” You can’t even buy the raw materials to make your product for that price.

When you get to your office and try to verify what you heard on the radio you get the call. Your largest distributor just canceled that multi-million dollar order. That is when it hits you; instead of spending 3 weeks on a cruise you will be begging investors and bankers for help to avoid bankruptcy.

That is why you need to discover unprofitable ideas. If you had known this was possible you never would’ve risked so much. You would have found a different product and you would’ve been prepared. When you come up with your great innovation you need to uncover all the competition. Competition might not be another business. It might be the next great idea just around the corner. Sometimes the worst competition is your own customers. If your customers suddenly don’t need your product, you’re business is dead.

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Crystal ball says, "In 6 months you'll be laid off." What do you do?

December 26, 2006 · Posted in economics, innovation · Comment 

In the Detroit area the economy has been brutal. A bunch of people have been laid off. Many would have loved 6 months of warning but the truth is almost everyone that’s been laid off had much more than 6 months warning and they didn’t do anything. That’s not to say they were lazy or stupid. Most of these people didn’t know what the warning signs were. And the rest didn’t know what to do so they did nothing and simply watched their financial future go off a cliff. Now they are unemployed, many have experienced bankruptcy and we aren’t even suppose to be in a recession.

It doesn’t have to be that way. There are a few very simple to spot signs and even better there is something you can do if you see the warning signs.

  • Higher price per unit
  • Fewer units sold
  • Fewer opportunities for advancement

Is your per unit pay increasing? If you get paid by the hour or even an annual salary is it going up? This is a very bad sign. Huh? Getting paid more is bad? No, getting paid more is great. Getting paid more per unit is bad. It’s the first step towards the cliff. If you can for a moment, look at it from the customer’s view point. You go to the store and the price of bread goes up. For a while that might be OK. And if the quality of bread gets better then you don’t mind at all. But if the price keeps going up and up you start to think, “hey can I get bread somewhere else without paying as much?”

The most dangerous part of an increasing price per unit situation is when you are making the money, you don’t see the problem coming. You might sell fewer units, in this case that means get more time off, cool. You are making more per hour so your income stays the same or even goes up. You don’t see any problem. And there might not be a problem, but sooner or later someone will move in and do your job for less money than you are doing it. Remember, you used to do your job for less money.

Again, you might not care right away that someone else will do your job for less money. And maybe you are doing a different job or you are more productive so you feel its not an accurate comparison. You still are at risk. You probably did what anyone would do when they made more money. You spent more money. I remember when I was in college. Every week I would take out $20 from my checking account and it would last me all week or more. Now I take out $300 and that doesn’t count the house payments, car insurance, cell phone bill, cable bill, etc. I used to live very happily on $24,000 a year and now I need $80,000 to just pay the bills. How about you? Have your expenses increased? How much do you need now?

So when you are way up at the top of the price per unit scale you discover you can’t go any higher. And there are a bunch of guys below you moving up the ladder right behind you. There isn’t any place to move up and you can’t turn around. And that is when you see the cliff and the pink slip.

What is the solution?

There are two solutions. Both require innovation. But you must first understand that in order to successfully innovate you must provide more value to someone and preferably to more people. Again, picture yourself at the store. If your favorite store consistently lowered their prices you would be very happy. You would tell your friends. If your favorite store lowered their prices and increased quality and service you would never leave. You would probably refuse to shop anywhere else and insist your friends do the same.

That is exactly what you need to do in your life. Provide more, better, with less hassle or cost.

That can’t be done with more time. It only happens with some serious innovation. Aren’t you glad I also teach how to achieve serious innovation?

So the first approach is to recognize early that your on the march up to the top of the price per unit cliff and change directions. What if you can already see the edge coming? What can you do? Easy, choose a different path.

There are lots of customers in the world, 6 billion at last count, with more each day. As each need is met customers look for a new “more, better, for less”. Find one that matches your abilities and start making your new customers happy. In business speak this is creating a new or expanding an existing market. How can you do that?

Use Predictive Innovation.

  1. Identify the ideal product or service
  2. Choose one unmet need
  3. Plug that need into the solution grid to generate at least 15 solutions
  4. Rank the solutions by value
  5. Generate the opportunity map
  6. Follow the opportunity map to satisfy each need in order of value.

Here is a clue if you didn’t already realize it. The same rules apply to businesses. And if you are in charge of a business on the path heading towards the cliff you can prevent that fatal leap. Remember if you don’t stop the business from heading over the cliff its more than one person getting laid off. All the families of the workers depend on you to make a good decision.

Now is the time to learn how to innovate. It isn’t magic and doesn’t require some special creative talent. It just takes learning and applying an effective system, Predictive Innovation can help.

Action Items

  • Look for the warning signs in your job, business, and industry.
  • Think of at least one part of your product or service which is less than ideal.
  • List three ways to improve that one feature that is less than ideal (you don’t need to know how to achieve it, just the basic approach)
  • Sign up to receive free reports about Predictive Innovation

Side notes: Even high tech companies like Sun experience lay offs and the people moved past it by finding new markets for their skills and talents.

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