Huge Scary Problem, Simple Cheap Solution
An article in Foreign Policy claims there appears to have been “Military-Style Raid on a California Power Station”.
The second to last paragraph is a perfect example of intelligent innovation.
A shooter “could get 200 yards away with a .22 rifle and take the whole thing out,” Wellinghoff said last month at a conference sponsored by Bloomberg. His proposed defense: A metal sheet that would block the transformer from view. “If you can’t see through the fence, you can’t figure out where to shoot anymore,” Wellinghoff said. Price tag? A “couple hundred bucks.” A lot cheaper than the billions the administration has spent in the past four years beefing up cyber security of critical infrastructure in the United States and on government computer networks.
Systems break at the weakest point. Quite often that means the solution is the simplest thing.
Innovation doesn’t make any random thing better. Innovations improve the most important thing. Innovations must:
- better satisfy the currently most under-satisfied desire
- not reduce the satisfaction of other desires bellow the required level
- not over-satisfy currently satisfied desires
New Book. Predictive Innovation: Core Skills
Predictive Innovation essentials compiled into a book accessible to the average person.
This is a serious how-to book. I’ve tried to make it easy to understand without dumbing it down. All 187 pages are valuable information. No fluff!
You will get detailed explanations and examples of the entire Predictive Innovation process including: Outcomes, 15 Alternatives, 7 Elements, Functions, Components, plus a lot of help on thinking predictively.
Core Skills covers the basics of mapping future desires and technologies. It introduces techniques for calculating Innovation Quotient which helps you eliminate risk.
If you’re sharp, this book is all you need to get started predicting innovations.Available at
Predictive Innovation at TED
One dimension used by Predictive Innovation is the 3 Scales of the Alternatives. Cesar Harada used the 3 scales to create a better boat to clean up oil spills.
When Cesar Harada attempted to make a boat to zig-zag back and forth to efficiently mop up an oil spill he found that a traditional boat with a rudder in the rear was difficult to control. So he applied Inversion to solve the problem. Instead of having the rudder in the rear he put the rudder in the front, that helped. Inversion is just one technique for applying the 5 Directions of the Predictive Innovation Alternatives Grid. It is a very powerful technique because it can fundamentally change the problem and provide an entirely new set of 15 Alternatives. In this case Cesar only used a simple change but that was enough to get the desired result.
After moving the rudder he then thought about having more than 1 rudder. He moved to multiple rudders. Then he finally moved to having a continuous rudder. That is the 3 Scales of the Predictive Innovation Alternatives grid:
- Single
- Multiple
- Continuous
The 3 Scales are how I predicted in 2004 that s service like Youtube would be the next disruptive innovation for video.
The 15 Alternatives is a key part of how Predictive Innovation gives you a structured approach to describing the complete idea space. It can help you find new and better solutions and show you the next big thing.
You can learn the entire 15 Alternatives through a new stand alone self-paced video tutorial. The 15 Alternatives apply to every dimension, it’s the essential tool for describing the entire idea space. This self paced online video tutorial will open your eyes to see the entire idea space in crystal clear detail.
Click here to register for Predictive Innovation Core Skill: Alternatives.