Emotional & Physical Pain Same in Brain, Suggests Cure

April 6, 2011 · Posted in problem solving · Comment 

Researchers at the University of Michigan have discovered that physical pain and intense feelings of social rejection hurt individuals in the same way. More confirmation of NLP.

Ethan Kross, Assistant Professor, University of Michigan

If memories of emotional pain are felt the same way as current physical pain, that could mean the pain of PTSD is horrific. Fortunately this also shows there is a fast non-drug way to stop PTSD or other emotional pain.

For help you your pain check out Your Solution System.

Prediction: Meaningful Image Resize, Key Technology

January 28, 2011 · Posted in abundance, innovation, prediction · Comment 

Meaningful image resize has larger importance than just intelligently resizing images to maintain the essential object. This is key innovation technology.

Removing or adding non-essential portions of an image to decrease or increase the size while maintaining the objects in the image keeps the informational value. This is a form of data compression. This technology will be crucial for hyper-customized video but it also has much bigger applications.

Being able to identify key portions of any data that provides useful information is essential to science and decision making. This focuses attention on the parts of high value and significance to the overall picture. This is exactly how the Predictive Innovation® works.

Quickly finding and storing the important information creates abundance. This why this technology is so important.

Revealing Emerging Expectations, the most important step of innovation.

February 12, 2008 · Posted in innovation, strategy · 1 Comment 

Emerging expectations are the things customers will start to demand next. These are features, benefits, and values current products are missing but customers haven’t started demanding yet. When customers realize these desires can be met they will demand it from all future products. It’s essential to have something ready when that happens or you will lose customers.

Working on things customers are already asking for puts you in a race with others. If you try to meet existing desires you are in a race against time. Even if you make it to market first, your advantage will quickly disappear. Others will develop competing products, if they haven’t already been working on them. If you don’t have the next product ready your innovation will be overwhelmed with copycats that make improvements on your design.

Revealing emerging expectations allows you to work two steps ahead so you always have the next great thing perfected and ready to release when the demand is strongest and profits are greatest. Plus if you can accurately predict the future innovations you will be able to overwhelm competitors with improvements faster and with less expense than they can copy you. You get ahead, stay ahead, and increase your lead.

Just because you can make it doesn’t mean customers will want it. To get the best return on investment you need to choose the innovations customers will do anything to get. And even if it’s something customers want it doesn’t mean its right for you to sell. So the innovation system you use must reveal a large selection emerging expectations, preferably all, and provide a way for you to compare and rank them in order of value to you.
Many people can think of pie in the sky “futuristic” products. Science fiction is full of those types of ideas. Some of those sci-fi products actually do become real products and are successful. The question is, when? Absolutely predicting the future is impossible but understanding the land marks to watch for gives you the information to plan your actions. If a new product depends on other developments then you should wait for those to be released before releasing yours. You can have everything ready to go and jump into the market at the exact right time. You maximize profits and minimize risk. A complete innovation system shows you those land marks with enough lead time to act.

Revealing the emerging expectations is what makes the OutCompete Predictive Innovation Method predictive and not just another feel good innovation system. The way it does this is by using certain laws of systems that apply to every system. Understanding that every system must follow certain laws allows you to see which things will become “must have innovations” and the order it will occur.

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