U of M Startup Weekend, starts tonight
Build a product, start a business, in a weekend.
Zip, bam, boom, pow, NASA rail gun scramjet
NASA is working on a cheaper method to launch spacecrafts using train tracks, a rail gun and a scramjet.
This approach uses the Multiple Alternative to lower costs by using existing technologies instead of a Single new technology.
Overlooked Innovations: Gyro Bowl, doesn't spill
The Gyro Bowl is a spill proof bowl that uses gravity to close the lid. The bowl is a gyroscope in the form of a plastic bowl that either keeps the open side up or closes the bowl. As I’ve said many times, gravity is my favorite resource since it is always available.
We’ve had low cost plastic bowls for decades so this could have been technically and economically possible. The basic concept could be made from wood so technically it could have been made hundreds or thousands of years ago.