Spray on skin, world changing innovation

February 11, 2011 · Posted in abundance, innovation · Comment 

Heal a huge wound in a couple days by using spray on skin. This is amazing for burn victims but think about it applied to all injuries.

Perhaps this could be used with surgeries to replace the tissues removed plus heal the entry point. Perhaps less meaningful but more profitable it could be used instead of face lifts.

This uses adult stem cells, another example the more than 1000 successful treatments using adult stem cells. A great case of “Profitably satisfying an unmet desire” profiting everyone involved.

Prediction: Diminished Reality, removes objects from video

January 27, 2011 · Posted in innovation, prediction · Comment 

Hyper-customization is the emerging expectation of video. Adding or changing existing video is on of the 5 directions of the 15 Alternatives. Removing objects is another. This technology removes object from a video in real time. This is all part of the hyper-customization prediction.


Prediction: MovieReshape makes hyper-customized video

January 26, 2011 · Posted in innovation, prediction · 2 Comments 

In 2004 I predicted user made video like YouTube would be the next big thing. At the same time I also predicted other innovations for video such as hyper-customized video and by 2009 it was evident is was the next big area of innovation. Here is one example of my predictions becoming reality.

MovieReshape: Tracking and Reshaping of Humans in Videos

Reshape people in video according to complex criteria such as adding or reducing muscle or fat, stretching or shrinking legs plus more traditional alterations such as height.

MovieReshape uses the concept of Continuous in the form of using automation to create images that did not exist in reality and no human needed to do the actual editing. As processor speed increases it will be possible to make the customizations in real time so that each viewer can control the shape of the actors in their own customized video.

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