Peer-to-Peer Learning Disrupting Poverty
I’ve been promoting peer-to-peer technology and education for 15 years. USA is ignoring the advice, India is doing it and succeeding.
Michigan is complaining that it can’t cut spending below $7316 per student per year for 12 years but India is able to train engineers in 6 months for nearly free and teenager Babar Ali is providing elementary education for free using the peer-to-peer model.
More importantly the people actually getting it done are avoiding the top-down hierarchies of established charities and government. They are doing it themselves and helping others to also do it themselves.
Prediction: Inhaled Vitamins
While working on a innovations for food I came up with inhaled vitamins. A quick check on Google reveals it will be available for sale in 2011. It’s getting harder to stay ahead of innovations.
I don’t spend much time examining food innovations so I’m not surprised the industry is farther ahead than other things I look at regularly. My last food innovation took 3 years to come out and that one I told to a product manager at Wrigley.
Prediction: Meaningful Image Resize, Key Technology
Meaningful image resize has larger importance than just intelligently resizing images to maintain the essential object. This is key innovation technology.
Removing or adding non-essential portions of an image to decrease or increase the size while maintaining the objects in the image keeps the informational value. This is a form of data compression. This technology will be crucial for hyper-customized video but it also has much bigger applications.
Being able to identify key portions of any data that provides useful information is essential to science and decision making. This focuses attention on the parts of high value and significance to the overall picture. This is exactly how the Predictive Innovation® works.
Quickly finding and storing the important information creates abundance. This why this technology is so important.