Details of Abundance Based Intellectual Property System

April 20, 2010 · Posted in abundance, innovation, Intellectual Property, sharing · 2 Comments 

TechDirtMy article Abundance Based Intellectual Property System is being discussed at TechDirt. The fundamental point is that R&D is different from manufacturing and marketing. For a system to promote innovation it must reward those two different tasks separately. And the best system aligns all parties instead of pitting them against each other.

Unfortunately the fundamental point of my article was missed. Read more

Mainframe Healthcare Is the Problem

April 19, 2010 · Posted in innovation · Comment 

The solution for better, lower cost, more accessible health care is distributed systems, self care instead of the centralized medical model.

Medicine is one of the most centralized top down industries in the world. Everything else in the world is far past the Single stage and is now moving from Multiple to Continuous with distributed models. Distributed model is the solution to better lower cost health care.

Unfortunately the USA has now been forced into a top down centralized payment model. That payment model will also favor centralized top down medical treatment. Since people will be forced to pay for treatment even if they don’t need it, through insurance premiums, they will demand more treatments.

A decentralized model promotes health, instead of medical treatment. There are hundreds of innovations for this model and all of them will lead to better health at lower costs.

Abundance Report: $2 million for a Virtual Horse

April 18, 2010 · Posted in abundance · Comment 

World of Warcraft player demonstrate the ultimate level of Abundance, knowingly buying nothing. This is both the ultimate example of Abundance, Artificial Scarcity, and the how to find markets in an age of Abundance.

Maslow Hierarchy of NeedsAbundance occurs when capacity exceeds needs. This focuses on desires further up Maslow’s hierarchy. Innovation leads to Abundance which drives more innovation.

Players of the online game, World of Warcraft, have a lot of free time. They also have a lot of free cash. They were willing to pay $25 for a virtual horse that does not give any benefits other than decoration. 800,000 people rushed to a total of over $2 million in 4 hours for the virtual equivalent of costume jewelry.

Making virtual horses costs nothing. There might be some cost to design the first one but each horse bought by a user is free. The bits used to have a horse in the game versus not having the horse cost exactly the same. This is truly Abundant. But this free item is being sold for $25, how can that be? In the game only people who pay the $25 can have the horse. It’s kept Artificially Scarce. The artificial scarcity is the value of this object. Having something others don’t have and sharing something in common with other people is the desire being satisfied. This is a desire focused on identity. Identity is one of the few things in the universe that is naturally scarce.

Identity will be at the core of successful innovations in an of Abundance.

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