Patent for faster than light antenna

February 10, 2011 · Posted in abundance, innovation, Intellectual Property · Comment 

This patent claims to transmit RF signals faster than light and those RF signals increase the growth of plants. Very interesting if real.


The present invention relates to a new type of antenna for transmission and reception of RF signals. The present invention can be used to replace conventional antennas. It is believed that this invention can transmit energy at a faster speed and over a greater distance than conventional antennas with the same power.


All known radio transmissions use known models of time and space dimensions for sending the RF signal.

The present invention has discovered the apparent existence of a new dimension capable of acting as a medium for RE signals. Initial benefits of penetrating this new dimension include sending RF signals faster than the speed of light, extending the effective distance of RF transmitters at 2s the same power radiated, penetrating known RF shielding devices, and accelerating plant growth exposed to the by-product energy of the RF transmissions.

If this actually works it would turn a lot of current technology and economics on it’s head. From a quick read of the patent it sounds rather inexpensive to produce. It was issued in 2000 but 11 years later it still doesn’t seem to be commercialized. That of itself is not surprising. Many inventors fail to develop their world changing inventions simply because they can’t explain the business case to others.

Benoit Mandelbrot passed away 1924-2010

October 16, 2010 · Posted in innovation · Comment 

Benoit Mandelbrot, the mathematician who discovered fractals has passed away at age 85. I owe his genius for some fundamental concepts that make the Predictive Innovation® possible.

Predict All Future Innovations

March 21, 2009 · Posted in abundance, innovation · Comment 

I’ve developed a method that allows you to predict all innovations for any product, service or entire industry.

Innovation is an information processing activity. To innovate you gather, analyze, organize, and then put information to use. Innovation is more than just thoughts and dreams. To make innovation real you must do something. To successfully innovate you must implement the right ideas at the right time in the right way. The Predictive Innovation Method helps you at each step of the way.

How does the Predictive Innovation Method work?

The method is based on a few basic premises, one is all possible concepts can be described, even if current technology can’t deliver them yet. Think of it like a library. There is a section and a shelf for everything. Sometimes the book has already been written and its there on the shelf when you want it. Other times you look and the book is missing. That is an innovation waiting to happen.

Another basic premise is there are consistent physical laws that govern the universe. Everything in the universe works within these laws. The interactions produce the tremendous variety we find. We see this all around us. Everything is made up of basic components following the same laws to create the variety we experience.

For example consider the common expression “the world is not black and white, it is shades of gray.” The intent is to say the world is complex and there are more than two choices. This implies decisions might be difficult or impossible.

When you examine it more closely you find something amazing. Starting with any two shades of gray you can never achieve the entire range. You can’t get darker or lighter than the two starting points. You are stuck moving to a dull point in the middle.

On the other hand if you start with black and white you can mix those two and achieve all shades of gray plus the extremes of black and white. The correct system produces infinite results with precision.

During my 25 years of experience analyzing literally thousands of systems the same basic elements and structures kept popping up. I discovered that by breaking down anything into 3 specific dimensions creating approximately 7 sets of 15 by 7 matrices I can describe anything with enough accuracy to be able to build it.

Anyone can quickly learn this method and start producing all the innovations they need. It makes innovation measurable and manageable.

My goal is to work with an organization that will support me promoting this method.
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