Emotional & Physical Pain Same in Brain, Suggests Cure
Researchers at the University of Michigan have discovered that physical pain and intense feelings of social rejection hurt individuals in the same way. More confirmation of NLP.
Ethan Kross, Assistant Professor, University of Michigan
If memories of emotional pain are felt the same way as current physical pain, that could mean the pain of PTSD is horrific. Fortunately this also shows there is a fast non-drug way to stop PTSD or other emotional pain.
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Tactile illusion computer interface
This works because of an concept referred to in NLP as an anchor. It’s the same principle as Pavlov ringing the bell and feeding the dog. The dog’s neurology links the bell to being fed then automatically causes the dog to salivate when it hears the sound of the bell. The belief that food is coming triggers involuntary responses. This approach could lead to a large variety of entertainment and medical applications.
This also proves some points about how media, especially video games, influences behavior. Linking positive feeling of winning a game to doing destructive actions like killing people is very harmful.
This is literally mind control. You can use it to help control your own mind or others can use it against your will. Subliminal advertising has used this for decades. It touches on the powerful placebo and nocebo effects. It’s crucial to education and personal achievement plus relationships. This is a field I’ve been studying for 10 years and see many areas of innovation.
Breaking Out of Average
Creating Passionate Users: Attenuation and the suck threshold. A great article on the mindset needed to be an innovator. Most people and the businesses they work in are good enough. They got past the “I don’t suck” threshold but really don’t move much beyond that.
The article talks about being the best in the world. I prefer to be the best possible. Being the best in the world is a scarcity mindset, just another way of dividing up a limited pie. If the world stinks then being best doesn’t say much.
Read the article, its lively and challenging and touches on neurology, a subject I’ve spent a lot of time studying.