Easily Solving Your Biggest Future Challenges Keynote @ BTOES

July 22, 2017 · Posted in innovation · Comment 


The world is changing faster and faster. Automation, globalization, and the Internet changed the rules that worked in the past. The future challenges will not be like the past.

Today, rules change almost as quickly as you can learn them. Process will not help you in this increasingly more rapid paced, higher stakes environment. To succeed, you need a new way of thinking.

You need to think predictively.

In this keynote I explain the discovery of a new way of thinking that anyone can use to:

  • Solve seemingly unsolvable problems on demand
  • Map future innovations for products & services, processes, & business strategy
  • See 5X, 10x, even 20X improvements hiding in plain view

The crucial piece needed for success that is missing from Agile, Lean, 6 Sigma and all process focused systems.

Prediction: Reverse electrowetting, science prediction come true

April 27, 2012 · Posted in innovation, prediction · Comment 

Predictive Innovation can help guide scientific discoveries as well as innovations. I predicted this would be discovered.


I used the 15 Alternatives to describe all the ways for electricity to be stored. I noticed that one of the types had not been discovered. You could have seen this a hundred years ago.