Innovation Is Predictable

June 27, 2007 · Posted in innovation · 2 Comments 

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Yesterday I was told, “Innovation isn’t predictable. If it was predictable then they would already be doing it.” That statement shows why most people can’t innovate. Every assumption was wrong. Innovation is Predictable. Innovation MUST BE Predictable.

Innovation isn’t about new. Its about satisfying peoples unmet desires. Innovation doesn’t have to be new at all. And lots of new things don’t innovate. You must satisfy a desire. That is innovation.

As soon as you realize innovation is the act of satisfying someone’s unmet desire its obviously predictable. You can’t innovate doing the same thing. That doesn’t satisfy an unmet desire. So you automatically know a big don’t list. So you can find the innovation TO DO list.

Unmet desires are easy to find. Just ask, “What could make this better?” You will get a big list of possible improvements. And the designers, engineers and marketers knew a huge list of things they didn’t include in the current product. They chose the current features from a big list of possible features. They didn’t include every feature because some features like price and simplicity were needed. So before they ever made the current product they knew how to innovate it. They had a list of innovations.

So when you realize that Innovation is Predictable your next question is how do I predict the best innovation?

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Live Success Counseling

June 24, 2007 · Posted in innovation, problem solving · Comment 

What do you want? Lots of people ask me to help them get what they want. Personal or professional they are always happy with the new insight. They tell me I should charge for my advice. I like helping people and I didn’t want to bother with billing. But now I’ve found a way to help that is easy and affordable.

I’m offering Live Success Counseling. There is a button on the site. Click that or call the 800 number.

This is my ad. What do you think?


The secret to success is having options. My 4-step process helps you find all your options and then choose the best one.

This is the same process I’ve used at major companies like: Apple, Microsoft, IBM, Charles Schwab, and Nintendo to create new products and develop winning business strategies.

I’ve also helped hundreds of people with their personal lives. Improve their relationships, overcome fears, and escape from destructive patterns.

When we talk I’ll walk you through the four steps.

  1. Clearly identify what you want.
  2. Break your goal down into steps.
  3. Find all the options for each step.
  4. Choose the best option for you.

Then you go do it. If you need help I’m here to discuss your progress and make suggestions.

I want you to succeed. And you can.

Call me.

Featured on BitTorrent Newsletter

June 15, 2007 · Posted in innovation · Comment 

BitTorrent Logo
Russ Tolman from BitTorrent in San Francisco called me a couple weeks ago asking for an interview. A show I produced “How-to-Do Girls” is one of the most popular on the BitTorrent network. Russ didn’t know that my partner is The Shadow one of the developers of the BitTorrent protocol. We were involved in BitTorrent long before the company was created and received $28.75 million in venture capital.

I published my content using a Creative Commons license. BitTorrent included my content on their site without needing to ask or take up any of my time. Because of them putting my content on their site I get a lot more traffic and sales for my merchandise.

You can read the interview here.
How-to-Do Girls

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