What Makes an Innovation System Complete?
Innovation is more than creativity, it requires 7 steps and each step must satisfy 7 criteria. This video introduces the steps and criteria. In future posts I’ll explore some of the steps and criteria.
For a free 19 page report detailing the criteria contact me and ask for, “What Makes an Innovation System Complete”.
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Innovation Workshop at Washtenaw Community College
Oct 18, 6 pm Washtenaw Community College at Towsley Auditorium I and 2 other international experts on Innovation will be presenting a free workshop, courtesy of the Student Enterprise Zone Club. If you can attend I highly recommend it.
I will be joined by David M. Verduyn, President, C2C Solutions Inc. and Len Kaplan, Managing Partner of OutCompete. Both of these gentlemen have over 20 years of success helping wide range of companies from startups to Fortune 500s innovate.
Learn how to:
- Turn your idea into real-world business opportunity
- Reveal target customers real needs and how to deliver it
- Solve the “unsolvable” problems preventing your business from achieving success and growth
- Dramatically reduce costs and effort of competing and increase your profitability
- Turn your customers into an enthusiastic, efficient and inexpensive sales force.
I will be speaking on Evangelism Marketing. Len Kaplan will be talking about Turning ideas into real business success. And David Verduyn will be teaching systematic innovation methods. This is a hands-on workshop. And a DVD of the entire event will be available for a donation to the Student Enterprise Zone Club.
Download the PDF flyer How to Innovate for Business Success Flyer
Innovation Is Predictable
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Yesterday I was told, “Innovation isn’t predictable. If it was predictable then they would already be doing it.” That statement shows why most people can’t innovate. Every assumption was wrong. Innovation is Predictable. Innovation MUST BE Predictable.
Innovation isn’t about new. Its about satisfying peoples unmet desires. Innovation doesn’t have to be new at all. And lots of new things don’t innovate. You must satisfy a desire. That is innovation.
As soon as you realize innovation is the act of satisfying someone’s unmet desire its obviously predictable. You can’t innovate doing the same thing. That doesn’t satisfy an unmet desire. So you automatically know a big don’t list. So you can find the innovation TO DO list.
Unmet desires are easy to find. Just ask, “What could make this better?” You will get a big list of possible improvements. And the designers, engineers and marketers knew a huge list of things they didn’t include in the current product. They chose the current features from a big list of possible features. They didn’t include every feature because some features like price and simplicity were needed. So before they ever made the current product they knew how to innovate it. They had a list of innovations.
So when you realize that Innovation is Predictable your next question is how do I predict the best innovation?